Friday, April 25, 2008

Phillips Family update

We are new at this blogging stuff, but I'm going to give a try, because a special young lady in Texas told me that I should:)

The Phillips' Family is so ready for the summer. We can't wait for school to be out. We have had a great year. Molly is moving on to 4th grade and Kayleigh is moving on tho 2nd. I can't believe how fast it goes. They both have been A students this year and their teachers love having them. We've been very blessed with great teachers in GA. I was very concerned when we moved here about their education, but so far I've not been disappointed.

Kayleigh has been playing softball. Gary is helping coach and has discovered he has a talent for pitching. We won for the first time when he pitched the game. Kayleigh is quite the little ball player. She is very competitive ( I have no Idea who she gets that from) LOL!

Molly still loves horses, but unfortunately, she hasn't been able to ride for a while because of the weather. She has a real love for those creatures and is a very talented rider. We are looking forward to getting her back on and hoping she will compete in another horse show this year. She won 6 ribbons in her last one. She is very much a girly girl and loves to dance and sing.

Gary travels a lot and loves his job. We miss him when he's away, but we've adjusted and do fine without him. He tries really hard to schedule around the girls activities, as not to miss anything. They are very hard on him if he does. I can't imagine that is life is much fun w/ 3 girls always telling him what he needs to do, but he loves it!

I've been substitute teaching this year and my hair business has really gotten busy. I'm still lost when the girls go to school and I don't have anything to do. I'm realizing how much my life is centered around them. I need to find out who Angie is again. I'm slowly making friends here. People in Ga are not as friendly as the rest of the world thinks. Our neighborhood is nice and the girls have friends here and that's nice for playdates after school.

We are busy planning our summer and the girls are thinking about thier b'days. We will be celebrating Molly's in NC with her family and friends. She is very excited about that. Kayleigh has a big one this Sept. She will be turning 8 and can't wait to be baptized. We are hoping that her family will be joining us here in Ga for this wonderful ocassion. We will also be going to FL w/ Gary. He will work and the girls and I will play. I'm always very excited for the summer break and to be able to spen time with my family. I'm so sad when school starts back:( We will also be taking a trip to Myrtle Beach to visit Maw Maw and Paw Paw. That will be very fun!

I'll try to post as things happen and keep everyone in touch. I miss everyone and can't wait to see you.

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